Serbia Interviews

  • Interview: Lazar Petrović, CEO, Delta DMD

    Interview: Lazar Petrović, CEO, Delta DMD

    As a leading logistics distribution company, what key challenges need to be overcome in the region? Serbia is definitely a growing market and it is going to continue to be. I strongly believe that we are going to be a part of the European Union eventually. Especially for IT companies, Serbia is the best place…

  • Interview: Miroljub Jevtić, Director General, Infrastructure of Serbian Railway (IZS)

    Interview: Miroljub Jevtić, Director General, Infrastructure of Serbian Railway (IZS)

    How is Serbia’s railway transport segment evolving? Serbia’s railway infrastructure system in 2018 offers safe and reliable services. It is efficient and successfully caters to a growing segment. Overall, Serbia is investing nearly EUR 5 billion to improve the transport network. This can be seen very clearly within the railway sector. Serbia continues a series…

  • Interview: Violeta Šestic, Head of Local Economic Development Department, City of Šabac

    Interview: Violeta Šestic, Head of Local Economic Development Department, City of Šabac

    What makes Šabac a smart choice for investors? An interesting fact about the city of Šabac is that it was the first city in Serbia to meet the international standards ISO 9001:2000 which is a testament to our efficiency as an organization and our dedication to customer satisfaction.Besides, the City is a carrier of a…

  • Interview: Nemanja Aleksic, CEO and Managing Partner of the Aleksic and Associates Joint Law Office

    Interview: Nemanja Aleksic, CEO and Managing Partner of the Aleksic and Associates Joint Law Office

    How do you assess Serbia’s legal framework in 2018? The legal framework of Serbia in 2018 will be adapted to the process of accessing the European Union, with full commitment to the priority reforms necessary in this process. On April 29, 2008, Serbia signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement in Luxembourg, which, entered into force…

  • Interview: Zoran Blagojević, CEO,  Wiener Insurance Serbia

    Interview: Zoran Blagojević, CEO, Wiener Insurance Serbia

    How do you assess Serbia’s insurance sector? Western European markets average premiums around EUR 2 500 per capita, but in Serbia we are at EUR 100 per capita. These two figures show us a clear picture of the huge growth potential the insurance sector has within the Serbian market. There is a huge misunderstanding of…

  • Interview: Marija Labović, Acting Director, National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

    Interview: Marija Labović, Acting Director, National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

    How do you assess Serbia’s tourism industry? Demand is growing, and this is the trend for the last three years. In the last ten years we can see market change in favour of foreign visitors which are now making around 50% of total tourists. Three years ago domestic travellers started to travel again due to…

  • Interview: Radoš Gazdić, Acting Director General, Development Agency of Serbia (RAS)

    Interview: Radoš Gazdić, Acting Director General, Development Agency of Serbia (RAS)

    What are some of the key facts that all international investors should remember about Serbia? The key factor at this moment is the competitiveness of the labour force when comparing it to Europe. Serbia is increasingly becoming more attractive, first and foremost, because of the technical education of our labour force. It is one of…

  • Interview: Marko Čadež, President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (PKS)

    Interview: Marko Čadež, President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (PKS)

    What is the global perception of Serbia? Over the last five years investors saw straightforward and clear economic policies. This means fiscal consolidation, monetary stability and political stability. They have seen Serbia has a clear strategy. There is now a new perception on Serbia’s future. The perception is now quite good. Together with Montenegro, we…

  • Interview: Ingeborg Øfsthus, CEO, Telenor Serbia

    Interview: Ingeborg Øfsthus, CEO, Telenor Serbia

    How do you see Serbia’s telecommunication sector in 2018 and what key challenges do you foresee moving forward? The global telecommunications sector is going through a revolution, and that revolution is digitalization. The fact being the competition landscape is changing. It is hitting every single operator around the world in some way or form.  We are lucky…

  • Interview:  Zoran Petrović, CEO, Raiffeisen Bank Serbia

    Interview: Zoran Petrović, CEO, Raiffeisen Bank Serbia

    How do you assess Serbia’s economy? We expect Serbia’s economy in 2018 will be driven by a couple of factors. First of all, we believe it will be pushed by the consumptions of the citizens, the unemployment rate is going down, employment rate is going up, so we expect that also the banking sector continue…

  • Interview: Zorana Ždrale Burlić, CEO, Delta Real Estate

    Interview: Zorana Ždrale Burlić, CEO, Delta Real Estate

    How do you assess Serbia’s real estate sector? We have definitely seen an increase in construction activity, the market is reviving, and we have seen increased demand for construction. We have seen a lot of investment activity. The market remains challenging in terms of a lot of issues surrounding real estate, not just bureaucracy but…

  • Viewpoint: Zorana Mihajlović,  Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, and the Minister of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure

    Viewpoint: Zorana Mihajlović, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, and the Minister of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure

    Serbia’s central position on the Balkans has been used as a bridge between West and East for generations.  This strategic position was the cause of many difficulties throughout history. Empires were always interested in controlling the crossroads going through Serbia. Nowadays, we consider this geographical position an advantage. We are doing our best to organize…

  • Interview: Zoran Babic, Director, Corridors of Serbia

    Interview: Zoran Babic, Director, Corridors of Serbia

    What will be the socio-economic impact of Corridor X? The Eastern part of Serbia is stricken by de-population due to lack of employment options. Corridor X will positively affect the employment rate in remote regions with high unemployment. The construction sector has provided new opportunities, and is actively creating a business environment which can attract…